The main purpose of the Contemporary Teaching and Learning Techniques for Distance Education (CT&LT4DE) project is to make both teachers/educatros and students competent in the field of online distance education (ODE).

The role of teachers in distance education, as the primary target group of our project, is not only to be an information provider, but also to be a resource provider, learning manager,
instructional designer, testing and evaluation specialist, communication specialist, technologist, consultant and guide. In this context, the most important role in realizing an effective distance education process falls to them. The priority of „Strengthening the profiles of the teaching professions” will thus be served.

Another target group is students that are the most important stakeholders of education process. For an effective ODE, students should have knowledge and skills about distance
education processes. Our project aims to make students competent in ODE.


  • to raise student participation rate by %15 percent in ODE;
  • improve the professional profiles of educators by making teachers competent in distance education
  • make Online Distance Education(ODE) more effective and efficient with contemporary teaching methods and techniques
  • ensure that students make the most of educational opportunities with ODE
  • increase the quality of ODE activities of joint institutions and stakeholders.


CT&LT4DE Training of trainers module 1

A scale to measure educators' readiness for online distance education.

CT&LT4DE Training of trainers module

The teachers have a leading role in the education process. The need to increase their skills in order to achieve learning outcomes by the students is uncanny. Teachers who want to educate students must first recognize the important components of this approach and be aware of how well they have mastered this field.

This scale can be used by researchers they will receive who want to work in various fields of education. The teachers can use it also before and after the training they receive to measure the quality of this training. The scale, will help institutions to develop their short, medium and long term strategic plans as well as give an idea about where to make improvements.

CT&LT4DE Training of trainers module

This module will include contemporary methods and techniques such as „brainstorming”, „project-based learning”, „peer groups”, „digital portfolio”, „virtual workshop” and how to use it in online distance education.

Project partners plan o develope some activities and games for the students to meet and socialize better, which might eventualy prevent the motivation problem. The mdule will include also activities such as „icebreakers” and „brain breaks”, which will prevent boredom and fatigue during the lesson.

CT&LT4DE Student education module 2

Online distance education readiness scale for students

CT&LT4DE Student education module

Students’ readiness for online distance education as much as teachers is an important issue affecting the efficiency of education.

For this reason, we need to have data on many subjects such as what students know about online distance education, what they think, what they need, and their familiarity with web 2.0 tools.

These data can only be reached with such a readiness scale. In the light of the data to be obtained, students will be directed to the CT & LT4DE student education module.

CT&LT4DE Student education module

After measuring the readiness of the students, what kind of education they need will be determined and they will be taken into education through the module we have prepared in this direction.

In this training, students will learn about the methods and techniques to be applied in the education process. They will also be able to learn about the various platforms of online distance education and how to benefit from them.

The module also aims to provide students with strategies for gaining self-directed and self-management skills, which are important skills in distance education. In this way, it is planned that they will receive training to learn both the tools and skills they will need in this process.




A compendium of knowledge on how to teach online, covering topics such as: methods and techniques used in distance education, importance of technology selection and technological tools that can be used in distance education.

CT&LT4DE - Training of trainers

Teachers' readiness Translations


A compendium of knowledge on taking online courses, covering topics such as methods and techniques used in distance education, tips for maintaining engagement in online classes, and technology tools you can use to take online classes.

CT&LT4DE - Training for students

The Online Learning Readiness Self-Check (OLRSC) Translations


Kompendium wiedzy na temat nauczania online, obejmujące takie tematy jak: metody i techniki stosowane w edukacji na odległość, znaczenie wyboru technologii oraz narzędzia technologiczne, które można wykorzystać w edukacji na odległość.

CT&LT4DE - Szkolenie Dydaktyków

Teachers' readiness Translations



Kompendium wiedzy na temat udziału w kursach online, obejmujące takie tematy jak metody i techniki stosowane w edukacji na odległość, wskazówki dotyczące utrzymania zaangażowania na zajęciach online oraz narzędzia technologiczne, z których można korzystać podczas uczestnictwa w zajęciach zdalnych.

CT&LT4DE - Moduł dla uczniów

The Online Learning Readiness Self-Check (OLRSC) Translations


Un compendiu de cunoștințe despre modul de predare online, care acoperă subiecte precum: metode și tehnici utilizate în învățământul la distanță, importanța selecției tehnologiei și instrumente tehnologice care pot fi utilizate în învățământul la distanță.

CT&LT4DE - Modulul pentru profesori

Teachers' readiness Translations


Un compendiu de cunoștințe despre participarea la cursuri online, care acoperă subiecte precum metodele și tehnicile utilizate în educația la distanță, sfaturi pentru menținerea angajamentului în cursurile online și instrumente tehnologice pe care le puteți folosi pentru a urma cursuri online.

CT&LT4DE - Modulul pentru studenți

The Online Learning Readiness Self-Check (OLRSC) Translations


Uzaktan eğitimde kullanılan yöntem ve teknikler, teknoloji seçiminin önemi ve uzaktan eğitimde kullanılabilecek teknolojik araçlar gibi konuları kapsayan, çevrimiçi öğretimin nasıl yapılacağına dair bir bilgi özeti.

CT&LT4DE - Teacher Module

Teachers' readiness Translations


Uzaktan eğitimde kullanılan yöntem ve teknikler, çevrimiçi derslere katılımı sürdürmek için ipuçları ve çevrimiçi dersler sırasında kullanabileceğiniz teknoloji araçları gibi konuları kapsayan, çevrimiçi kurslara katılmaya ilişkin bir bilgi özeti.

CT&LT4DE - Students Module

The Online Learning Readiness Self-Check (OLRSC) Translations

Módulo para Professores

Um compêndio de conhecimentos sobre como ensinar online, abordando temas como: métodos e técnicas utilizadas na educação a distância, importância da seleção de tecnologias e ferramentas tecnológicas que podem ser utilizadas na educação a distância.

CT&LT4DE - MODULE professores

Módulo para Alunos

Um compêndio de conhecimento sobre como fazer cursos online, abordando tópicos como métodos e técnicas usadas em educação a distância, dicas para manter se manter motivado e envolvido nas aulas online e ferramentas tecnológicas que podem ser usadas para aulas online.

CT&LT4DE - MODULE Students

The Online Learning Readiness Self-Check (OLRSC) Translations


Write to us at: ctlt4de@gmail.com or by contact form

Disclaimer: This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no: 2020-1-TR01-KA226-SCH-098489). This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Gümüşhacıköy District Directorate of National Education

Gümüşhacıköy District Directorate of National Education has undertaken the duty of managing, directing, supervising and coordinating the education policies and strategic plans of the Ministry of National Education in line with the legislation and programs in an effective and efficient manner. It is responsible for education and training affairs in the district. It consists of institutions – organizations and directorates that provide education to individuals between the ages of 3 and 70 in general.
National education directorate’s Fields of activity:

  • Basic Education
  • Secondary education
  • Vocational and Technical Education
  • Religious Education
  • Special Education and Guidance
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Private Education Institutions
  • Information Processing and Educational Technologies
  • Measurement, Evaluation and Examination
  • Higher Education and Education Abroad
  • Strategy Development
  • Human Resources Management
  • Support
  • Construction and Real Estate

In Gümüşhacıköy District National Education Directorate:
It has 1 District Director of National Education, 2 Branch Directors, 1 Special Office Officer, 1 Fatih Instructor, 2 Chefs, 3 data preparation-control operators, 4 Officers, 1 Secretary, 1Driver, 1 Worker personnel.

In addition, in general in the district, Gümüşhacıköy:
There are 1 Kindergarten, 8 Primary School, 7 Secondary School, 4 Secondary Education School, 1 Vocational Education Center, 1 Public Education Center, 1 Teacher’s House, 1 Private Secondary Education Student Dormitory, 1 Private Motor Vehicle Driving Course, 1 Higher Education Girls Pension, 3 Special Rehabilitation Centers.

Considering as teachers, staff and students:
There are 282 teachers, 43 managers, 105 staff and 3035 students.

Anadolu University

Anadolu University, one of the largest universities not only in Turkey, but also in the World, was founded in 1982. Situated in the center of Eskişehir, which is well-known as a city of science, culture and youth, its campus houses 12 faculties (undergraduate level)- three of which offer distance education, 3 applied schools – one of which is of music and drama, 2 vocational schools (associate level), 6 graduate schools – four of which are graduate and postgraduate level, and 30 research centers.

Anadolu University has been a pioneering institution on many fronts. Most important of these is the success of implementing the distance education system. Today, the total number of
students of the three distance education faculties is over 3 million. The success in the development of this system has been taken as a model by many institutions in various countries.

As a dual-mode university, the student body is 3,211,489, with 39,577 oncampus students and 3,170,622 off-campus students (Distance education). The open university system has offices in 27 countries and operates in 46 examination center.

WSEI University

WSEI University in Lublin, Poland is a non-state higher education institute, founded in 2001. WSEI offers full university degree programmes in a range of academic disciplines. This nation-wide recognized institution received many prizes for offering education oriented to the needs of the labour market.

What’s important, it constantly modifies the educational offer to match up to those needs. This university has over 6000 students (of which approx 80% are extramural learners) and almost 400 diligently selected & experienced didactic staff. It provides distinctive educational experience, through a range of vocationally related courses, supported by a strong research & knowledge transfer activities. WSEI University focuses on building bridges between business and academic sector.

Fikri Tesisat

Fikri Tesisat is a business consulting and training company founded in 2012. Fikri Tesisat’s main activities are focused on business consulting & support to companies, ICT & e-learning technologies, web & mobile applications development, training, mobile learning, video learning, curriculum development and project management.

Its European Project Office has participated in EU projects funded under LLP, 7FP, IEE, ERASMUS+ programs, thus is fully capable to provide both technical, operational and management support during the lifetime of the project. These projects are mainly focused on training and transfer of knowledge about entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on the integration of disadvantaged groups of people such as young unemployed people, women and those living in peripheral communities. Its core business is based on VET and development of web-based solutions for collaborative learning and educational content management with a special focus on the development of hard and soft skills in several fields.

Thanks to the experience gained throughout the years working with competent partners in the domain of educational technology and training, Fikri Tesisat makes it possible for organizations to reach their strategic objectives. Its approach is innovative, scientific and based on deep need analysis which give companies a competitive advantage.

University of Bucharest

University of Bucharest is considered to be the most important educational, research and cultural institution in Romania. During its 150 years of existence, it has achieved a steadfast national and international prestige. The numerous generations of students and professors have succeeded in asserting our University as one of the benchmark institutions for the whole Romanian society, as it is the first existing Romanian institution to ever reach the top 600 universities of the world.

The University of Bucharest offers several study programmes, on all levels and means of university education: there are 97 bachelor programmes, 215 master programmes and 22 doctoral programmes. All of these are accredited or authorised. The University of Bucharest also holds the TIFFIN EMBA master programme. The University of Bucharest is part of a reliable network of international collaboration – 300 of bilateral collaboration agreements have been signed with universities in 52 countries. Annually, there are over 1000 students of the University of Bucharest who perform various development or improvement activities within a great number of academic programmes in universities in Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Japan etc.

The University of Bucharest has been and still is the motor of important reformation measures for the development of the higher education, which have also been taken over by other universities around the country, or which have represented the grounds for the elaboration of several laws and national regulations.

University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz

University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz was established in 1993. It is one of the largest non-public institutions of higher education in Poland. In 2007, the University gained the right to award PhDs in the following subjects: linguistics in the department of humanities, information technology in the department of technical sciences and visual arts in the department of fine arts.

In 2009, the University has achieved distinguished status of the Akademia. The University has more than 20 faculties and offers a wide choice of subjects, including 5 courses in English. Students can choose to study any of over 100 courses. The curricula of the courses are constantly updated according to market demands. In accordance with the requirements of the European Educational Standards the AHE in Lodz implements a new paradigm of education, which is characterized by: new methods, new content, new teaching staff.

Through International Projects department, AHE is currently coordinating around 30 international projects co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme and collaborate with over 100 organisations from EU and Third countries.


COFAC COOPERATIVA DE FORMACAO E ANIMACAO CULTURAL CRL is a non-profit cooperative, responsible for the management of Lusófona University, recognised by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education in 1998, and is the largest private university in Portugal, integrating 10 HEI in Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Guinea- Bissau.

It has a student body of more than 10.000 students and 1500 teachers and it is structured around 9 (nine) Schools that constitute the main institutional unit and offer 44 undergraduate Degrees, 45 Master Degrees, 11 PhD’s programs and 42 Post- graduation courses. Besides this, the university offers a large number of vocational and continuous training courses accordingly with the life-learning development paradigm.

The University has a large experience in research and project management of European and international projects.